Saturday, September 30, 2006

More on Violence, bullying, fear, terror... and EVIL? - in Chimpanzee life...

Here are two great posts that document the violence, fear, and terror (what we humans might call "Evil"?) that can pervade a chimpanzee troupe at certain times, either when one troupe is stalked by another troupe's males ('warriors') bent on murder or even extermination; or when, within a troupe, one male is so prone to bullying and intimidation that, as he asserts and gains power to become the undisputed alpha male, his displays become more cruel, wanton, and terrifying, subjecting the other chimps of the troupe to terror on an almost daily basis.

For more on Frodo's reign of terror see:

For more on how CHIMPANZEE BEHAVIOR, including violence, social, alliances, courtship, raising the young (and sometimes brutalizing the young) warmaking, and peacemaking, are almost certainly the archetype or template for HUMAN behavior, see
MAJOR DISCOVERIES AT by Jane Goodall at GOMBE 1964-1997


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